Loss of disposable income didn’t happen overnight so it won’t be corrected overnight, but the financial correction must be rooted in the present with an eye on the future.
Now is the time to change this distructive cycle of waste with the timely application of energy saving technology.
Personal resources must be re-directed and re-allocated to exclude the silent thieves that filch disposable income, the life blood of commerce, from the unwitting or unwary, even while we sleep.
Efforts to protect future earnings must be implemented and funded.

One such effort is the business to bring low cost heating and cooling to the residential and small business economic sectors.
Entrenched forces have worked against widespread awareness and use of GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMPS which require minimal energy consumption.
These interests have a stake in the old fossil fuel, gas and electric heat technology and equipment. The cost of re-tooling factories, re-training workers, or disposing of obsolete inventories will be delayed indefinitely to maintain stock price, dividends and bonuses.
The unnecessary expense to the home owner and small business owner is not important in the calculation of projected profits for manufacturers, home builders or mortgage bankers.