You can make a difference in what the future holds and offers by supporting business that supports your best interest in the short and long term. While VDC is in the GSHP business for profit, it also for provides for low-cost clean, green heating and cooling that will add disposable income to those who need it most: middle- and low-income residential home-owners and small business folk.
Make a difference and help VDC meet its goal to place $265,000.00 in private equity investment securities. A fund will be maintained to re-acquire these shares for the principle amount sold with a minimum 10% return on investment over the 3 to 5 year maturity period. A Prospectus and Business Plan will be provided to approved investors.
It is utter hypocrisy by the banks and credit institutions to tighten and limit credit access to the American people after an unprecedented bail out of these same banks by these same American people. The standards imposed on applicants to qualify for credit are rigid draconian measures that these institutions could not meet when they themselves requested credit from the American taxpayer.
The average person striving for the American dream has been financially abused by big business and unprotected by big government. The remnants of this abuse is evident in the financial ruin of the family nest egg built up over years, expended to nothing to forestall fiscal catastrophe wrought by relentlessly overpriced energy, housing and credit commodities.
The devastation and devaluation brought by massive industry deregulation, loss of consumer legal protections and large-scale abuses of the securities markets has left the wealth resources of middle class Americans in turmoil and consumer confidence in tatters.
Some would encourage this technology to reduce the growing demand on the electrical grid thereby reducing the nation’s dependence on foreign oil and pollutant fuels. Some would see this technology developed to protect our environment for future generations from greenhouse gases, a depleted ozone layer and erratic, unpredictable weather patterns.
However, the fundamental need for this technology and a key purpose of the VDC GSHP Business Unit is to provide relief to the struggling, overburdened homeowner and small business owner from exorbitant heating costs. The rest are mere benefits that flow from this immediate relief.
Make a difference and help VDC meet its goal to place $265,000.00 in private equity investment securities. A fund will be maintained to re-acquire these shares for the principle amount sold with a minimum 10% return on investment over the 3 to 5 year maturity period. A Prospectus and Business Plan will be provided to approved investors.